Four Short Novels For Sale
Four Short Novels
Lawrence, D. H.
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Ardis Books Folio Society Archive

Use the search box below to browse items published by the Folio Society. Note this is library information, not a list of our stock. Please use the blue links in the returned items to view a particular item (via the Folio Ref number) or search further for the given author, title or illustrator. Use the green Check Stock links to search for related items that we currently have for sale. For illustration, the results given initially are for a search for the author Aldous Huxley. Finally, to list all the items published in order since 1947, just enter a blank search.

Folio Ref Author Title Illustrator Year Cover Series
8 Swift, Jonathan
Check Stock
Gulliver's Travels
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

113 Beckford, William
Check Stock
Check Stock
Bawden, Edward
Check Stock

205 Swift, Jonathan
Check Stock
Gulliver's Travels
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

315 More, Thomas
Check Stock
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

390 Johnson, Samuel
Check Stock
The History of Rasselas: Prince of Abyssinia
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

491 Cohen, J M & De Zarate, Agustin
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The Discovery and Conquest of Peru
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

500 Malory, Sir Thomas
Check Stock
Malory's Chronicles of King Arthur. 3 vols. Sir Tristram de Lyonesse. The Tale of King Arthur. The Morte D'Arthur.
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

564 Lawrence, T E
Check Stock
Revolt In The Desert
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
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596 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Check Stock
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
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3371 Lawrence, T E
Check Stock
Revolt In The Desert Revised Edition
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

3494 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Check Stock
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Check Stock
Bawden, Edward
Check Stock

800227 Malory, Sir Thomas
Check Stock
Malory's Chronicles of King Arthur Leather Edition. 3 vols. Sir Tristram de Lyonesse. The Tale of King Arthur. The Morte D'Arthur.
Check Stock
Edward Bawden
Check Stock

You can search all of the Folio Society publications up to 2006, cross-referenced to the numbers assigned in the excellent book Folio 60 which gives more bibliographical information. Numbers beginning 5000... are for limited editions not given their own number in Folio 60. This is not a complete list, for which see the excellent list on Library thing.

Numbers beginning 700... are my own references for groups of items often bought together (eg The Barset novels of Anthony Trollope).

Number beginning 800... are for items for which the Folio Society has had some input (binding or slipcase) but which do not bear the Folio Society imprint. These are listed in the Appendix of Folio 60. For cross reference, my number 800001 corresponds to Folio 60 reference A1, 800002 to A2 and so on.

The blue links help you search for other Folio Society books by the same author, or featuring the same illustrator, or in the same Folio Society series.

The green links let you search our stock for relevant results.

After 2006, we have assigned our own unique numbers to those books we have seen, and added information about them. The list will be updated from time to time as more titles come through.

You can query our archive information by entering, say, "Trollope" in the search box to find all the Folio Society publications of his works.

The "Details" link on the far right of the page for each book gives a link to the detailed information (and usually a picture) of the item.

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