Crusader Castles For Sale
Crusader Castles
Lawrence, T E
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We Buy and Sell Folio Society Books

We buy Folio Society Books

We are the largest seller of secondhand Folio Society books in the world, and pay excellent prices for large or small collections.

Please click here for further information, and then email us a list of titles, overall condition, and your location. We can pick-up large collections in most of the UK.

We buy and sell other books too

We specialise in modern fine bindings, such as those by Franklin Library and Easton Press, and rare and unusual non-fiction books. We also have a small stock of antiquarian items, and some Giles annuals. Please use the catalogue links on the left or the search box at the top to look for particular items.

The Domesday Book

This superb facsimile of the Winton Domesday, the earliest existing Domesday binding, with four further volumes of maps, indexes and translation.

Domesday Book

Folio Society Limited Edition

The Lord of the Rings in a superb leather binding, and a limited edition of 1750 copies.


King Arthur

The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, published by the Easton Press in a leather binding with gilt page edges.

King Arthur

Folio Society quality

Also in stock we have Churchill's History of the English-speaking peoples in four volumes.



The Winnie-the-Pooh collection; facsimiles of all the good stuff


Giles Annual Cartoons

The very first Giles annual, with a typically laid back Tommy taking the German surrender.

Giles Annual Number 1

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