Poems of Emily Bronte For Sale
Poems of Emily Bronte
Bronte, Emily
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Commando Comics


Please note we no longer buy and sell Commando comics.


Commando Comic was launched by D. C. Thomson in July 1961 as an addition to their popular comic titles like Beano, Dandy, Beezer and Topper (sadly no longer with us). Commando Comics have been in print ever since. The distinctive 7 x 5 1/2 inch, 68 page booklet format became the standard for these kind of stories. Well drawn picture tales of heroic deeds from the second world war, I read them a lot in the 1960s, and they are still very popular.

As far as collecting goes, these comics are more popular than any other comparable war titles. This is probably due to the high standard of the artwork as much as the stories themselves. In 1961, there were two comics a month, quickly rising to four a month. There are now over three thousand in the series spanning over forty years.

Not surprisingly, it is the early numbers that are hardest to find, although up to 1000 can still be elusive.

Most issues are available on ebay if you are patient. There is a helpful website for collectors here, listing all the titles in the series and showing the front covers. Good hunting.

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