Nabokov's Dozen For Sale
Nabokov's Dozen
Nabokov, Vladimir
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Number Item Description Price (inc UK postage)
140143 Brown, James Ward - Complex Variables and Applications - McGraw-Hill - 2009 - Fine Paperback 24.00
140739 Darwin, Charles - On the Origins of Species - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 42.20
140663 Darwin, Charles - The Voyage of the Beagle - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 47.60
140202 Dawkins, Richard - The Selfish Gene - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 49.20
140336 Einstein, Albert - Ideas and Opinions - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 59.20
140199 Feynman, Richard P - Easy and Not-So-Easy Pieces - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 23.95
140250 FitzPatrick, Dan; Miller, Ira - Analog Behavioral Modeling with the Verilog-A Language - Kluver - 1998 - Fine Hardback 64.00
135867 Fortey, Richard - Life: An Unauthorised Biography - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 14.90
140249 Galileo Galilei - Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 66.65
140421 Gleick, James - Chaos: Making a New Science - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Good slipcase. 62.50
140740 Gordon, J E - Structures: or Why Things Don't Fall Down - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 64.20
140536 Gould, Stephen Jay - Reflections in Natural History - Folio Society - 2024 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 54.20
140420 Greene, Brian - The Elegant Universe - Folio Society - 2017 - Very Good+ Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 94.20
140553 Gribbin, John - History of Western Science - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 23.75
140377 Gribbin, John - In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 34.20
136131 Gribbin, John - In Search of Schrödinger's Cat - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 75.70
136316 Gribbin, John - In Search of Schrödinger's Cat - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 28.00
140241 Hamill, Patrick - Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians - Cambridge University Press - 2014 - Near Fine Hardback 44.00
140681 Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. 71.20
138320 Holmes, Richard - The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 28.50
140280 Hooke, Robert - Micrographia Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Fine slipcase. 429.00
140731 Johnson, George - The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 21.00
140109 Lincoln, Abraham - A New Birth of Freedom: Selected Writings of Abraham Lincoln - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 34.60
140360 Lloyd, G E R - Greek Science - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 39.20
135636 Lukacs, John - Five Days in London, May 1940 - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 19.30
140338 Machiavelli - The Prince - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 36.00
140270 Nahin, Paul J. - Inside Interesting Integrals - Springer - 2015 - Near Fine Hardback 24.00
140242 Newton, Isaac, Sir; Cohen, I. Bernard (TRN); Whitman, Anne (TRN); Budenz, Julia (CON) - Principia : Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - University of California Press - 2016 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine Dustjacket 54.00
139491 Newton, Sir Isaac - Principia Mathematica: A Two Volume Set (1) Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (2) A Guide to Newton's Principia - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 209.00
140039 Orwell, George - Reportage Collection Five 5 Volumes, Boxed Set. My Country Right or Left; Funny, But Not Vulgar; Homage to Catalonia; The Road of Wigan Pier; Down and Out in Paris and London - Folio Society - 1998 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 129.00
140169 Paine, Thomas - Rights of Man - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 21.00
137800 Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 20.35
136325 Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 18.15
140128 Popper, Karl - The Logic of Scientific Discovery (Routledge Classics) - Routledge - 2006 - Near Fine Hardback 64.00
140129 Popper, Karl - The Open Society and its Enemies - Routledge - 2002 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine Dustjacket 64.00
140272 Rand, Ayn - Atlas Shrugged - Folio Society - 2018 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase 239.00
139999 Schrodinger, Erwin - What is life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell - Folio Society - 2000 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 34.35
140144 Schutz, Bernard F. - A First Course in General Relativity, 2nd Edition - Cambridge University Press - 2009 - Fine Hardback 54.00
140378 Singh, Simon - Fermat’s Last Theorem - Folio Society - 2011 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 39.00
138248 Stewart, Ian - Taming the Infinite - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 26.80
140477 Van Gent, Robert H - Andreas Cellarius: Harmonia Macrocosmica: The Finest Atlas of the Heavens - Taschen - 2013 - Fine Hardback 159.00
140635 Wallace, Alfred Russel - The Malay Archipelago - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. 459.00
137870 Watson, James - The Double Helix - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 16.05
137556 Watson, James - The Double Helix - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. 18.45
140140 Weinberg, Steven - Lectures on Quantum Mechanics - Cambridge University Press - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine Dustjacket 39.00
140141 Woodhouse, N M J - Special Relativity - Springer - 2002 - Fine Paperback 24.00

   46 matches found.

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