Number |
Item Description |
Price (inc UK postage) |
139711 |
Aesop - Aesop's Fables - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback |
44.10 |
139708 |
Aristotle - Politics and Poetics - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback |
37.00 |
135081 |
Bacon, Francis - The Essays of Sir Francis Bacon - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback |
37.80 |
139698 |
Bronte, Emily - Poems of Emily Bronte - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
66.10 |
139695 |
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
39.45 |
139707 |
Browning, Robert - The Poems of Robert Browning - Easton Press - 2000 - Fine Leather Hardback |
39.45 |
140817 |
Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback |
64.00 |
140825 |
Burton, Sir Richard - The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Easton Press - 1981 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
84.60 |
133952 |
Butler, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback |
31.25 |
139683 |
Coleridge , Samuel Taylor - Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
48.35 |
140814 |
Confucius - The Analects of Conficius - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback |
49.20 |
140816 |
Conrad, Joseph - Lord Jim - Easton Press - 1977 - Fine Leather Hardback |
39.20 |
139724 |
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities - Easton Press - 1981 - Fine Leather Hardback |
44.10 |
140819 |
Dickens, Charles - Great Expectations - Easton Press - 1979 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
54.20 |
139701 |
Donne, John - The Poems and Prose of John Donne - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback |
39.45 |
133958 |
Donne, John - The Poems of John Donne - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback |
33.30 |
139509 |
Euripides - Medea, Hippolytus and The Bacchae - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback |
32.50 |
133904 |
Fielding, Henry - The History of Tom Jones: a Foundling - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback |
29.70 |
133960 |
Fitzgerald, Edward - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback |
43.10 |
133093 |
Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary - Easton Press - 1978 - Fine Leather Hardback |
33.30 |
135070 |
Hardy, Thomas - Return of the Native - Easton Press - 1978 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
35.25 |
133953 |
Hawthorne Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter - Easton Press - 1975 - Fine Leather Hardback |
33.30 |
139702 |
Hopkins, Gerard Manley - Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback |
57.20 |
139693 |
Hughes, Langston - Selected Poems of Langston Hughes - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback |
92.70 |
140826 |
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World - Easton Press - 1978 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
64.20 |
133971 |
James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady - Easton Press - 1978 - Fine Leather Hardback |
33.90 |
139713 |
Keats, John - The Poems of John Keats - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback |
39.65 |
139691 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Poems of Longfellow - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
39.45 |
139700 |
Lord Byron - Poems of George Gordon, Lord Byron - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
57.20 |
140820 |
Malory, Sir Thomas - Le Morte D'Arthur - Easton Press - 2000 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
124.60 |
140815 |
Melville, Herman - Moby Dick (Collector's edition from the 100 Greatest Books ever written series) - Easton Press - 1977 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
54.60 |
133889 |
Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra - Don Quixote The Ingenious Gentleman of La Mancha - Easton Press - 1979 - Near Fine Leather Hardback |
59.20 |
133972 |
Moliere - Two Plays: Tartuffe and The Would-be Gentleman - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback |
33.30 |
139703 |
Plath, Sylvia - Ariel - Poems by Sylvia Plath - Easton Press - 1999 - Fine Leather Hardback |
110.45 |
139696 |
Poe, Edgar Allan - Complete Poems - Easton Press - 2000 - Fine Leather Hardback |
66.10 |
133066 |
Scott, Sir Walter - The Talisman - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback |
22.10 |
133898 |
Scott, Sir Walter - The Talisman - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback |
29.25 |
139706 |
Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
48.35 |
140823 |
Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Idylls of the King - Easton Press - 2002 - Fine Leather Hardback |
109.00 |
139689 |
Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Poems of Tennyson - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
57.20 |
139714 |
Thackeray, William Makepeace - Vanity Fair - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback |
44.10 |
133916 |
Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons - Easton Press - 1977 - Fine Leather Hardback |
27.20 |
133075 |
Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons - Easton Press - 1977 - Fine Leather Hardback |
31.10 |
140818 |
Twain, Mark - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's companion) - Easton Press - 1994 - Fine Leather Hardback |
44.20 |
140821 |
Van Doren, Mark (preface) - The Book of Psalms - Easton Press - 1988 - Fine Leather Hardback |
54.00 |
139699 |
Whitman, Walt - Poems of Walt Whitman - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
66.10 |
140822 |
Wilde, Oscar - Salome - Easton Press - 2005 - Fine Leather Hardback |
74.00 |
139690 |
Wordsworth, William - The Poems of William Wordsworth - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback |
48.35 |
139705 |
Yeats, W B - Selected Poems of W B Yeats - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback |
154.00 |
133893 |
Yeats, W B - The Poems of W B Yeats - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback |
45.85 |