The Compleet Molesworth (Down with Skool!, How to be Topp, Whizz for Atomms, Back in the Jug Agane) For Sale
The Compleet Molesworth (Down with Skool!, How to be Topp, Whizz for Atomms, Back in the Jug Agane)
Willans, Geoffrey & Searle, Ronald
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Search Results for easton press

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Number Item Description Price (inc UK postage)
139711 Aesop - Aesop's Fables - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback 44.10
139708 Aristotle - Politics and Poetics - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback 37.00
135081 Bacon, Francis - The Essays of Sir Francis Bacon - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback 37.80
139698 Bronte, Emily - Poems of Emily Bronte - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 66.10
139695 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 39.45
139707 Browning, Robert - The Poems of Robert Browning - Easton Press - 2000 - Fine Leather Hardback 39.45
140817 Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback 64.00
140825 Burton, Sir Richard - The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Easton Press - 1981 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 84.60
133952 Butler, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback 31.25
139683 Coleridge , Samuel Taylor - Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 48.35
140814 Confucius - The Analects of Conficius - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback 49.20
140816 Conrad, Joseph - Lord Jim - Easton Press - 1977 - Fine Leather Hardback 39.20
139724 Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities - Easton Press - 1981 - Fine Leather Hardback 44.10
140819 Dickens, Charles - Great Expectations - Easton Press - 1979 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 54.20
139701 Donne, John - The Poems and Prose of John Donne - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback 39.45
133958 Donne, John - The Poems of John Donne - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback 33.30
139509 Euripides - Medea, Hippolytus and The Bacchae - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback 32.50
133904 Fielding, Henry - The History of Tom Jones: a Foundling - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback 29.70
133960 Fitzgerald, Edward - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback 43.10
133093 Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary - Easton Press - 1978 - Fine Leather Hardback 33.30
135070 Hardy, Thomas - Return of the Native - Easton Press - 1978 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 35.25
133953 Hawthorne Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter - Easton Press - 1975 - Fine Leather Hardback 33.30
139702 Hopkins, Gerard Manley - Poems and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback 57.20
139693 Hughes, Langston - Selected Poems of Langston Hughes - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback 92.70
140826 Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World - Easton Press - 1978 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 64.20
133971 James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady - Easton Press - 1978 - Fine Leather Hardback 33.90
139713 Keats, John - The Poems of John Keats - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback 39.65
139691 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Poems of Longfellow - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 39.45
139700 Lord Byron - Poems of George Gordon, Lord Byron - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 57.20
140820 Malory, Sir Thomas - Le Morte D'Arthur - Easton Press - 2000 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 124.60
140815 Melville, Herman - Moby Dick (Collector's edition from the 100 Greatest Books ever written series) - Easton Press - 1977 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 54.60
133889 Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra - Don Quixote The Ingenious Gentleman of La Mancha - Easton Press - 1979 - Near Fine Leather Hardback 59.20
133972 Moliere - Two Plays: Tartuffe and The Would-be Gentleman - Easton Press - 1980 - Fine Leather Hardback 33.30
139703 Plath, Sylvia - Ariel - Poems by Sylvia Plath - Easton Press - 1999 - Fine Leather Hardback 110.45
139696 Poe, Edgar Allan - Complete Poems - Easton Press - 2000 - Fine Leather Hardback 66.10
133066 Scott, Sir Walter - The Talisman - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback 22.10
133898 Scott, Sir Walter - The Talisman - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback 29.25
139706 Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 48.35
140823 Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Idylls of the King - Easton Press - 2002 - Fine Leather Hardback 109.00
139689 Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Poems of Tennyson - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 57.20
139714 Thackeray, William Makepeace - Vanity Fair - Easton Press - 1979 - Fine Leather Hardback 44.10
133916 Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons - Easton Press - 1977 - Fine Leather Hardback 27.20
133075 Turgenev, Ivan - Fathers and Sons - Easton Press - 1977 - Fine Leather Hardback 31.10
140818 Twain, Mark - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's companion) - Easton Press - 1994 - Fine Leather Hardback 44.20
140821 Van Doren, Mark (preface) - The Book of Psalms - Easton Press - 1988 - Fine Leather Hardback 54.00
139699 Whitman, Walt - Poems of Walt Whitman - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 66.10
140822 Wilde, Oscar - Salome - Easton Press - 2005 - Fine Leather Hardback 74.00
139690 Wordsworth, William - The Poems of William Wordsworth - Easton Press - 1995 - Fine Leather Hardback 48.35
139705 Yeats, W B - Selected Poems of W B Yeats - Easton Press - 2001 - Fine Leather Hardback 154.00
133893 Yeats, W B - The Poems of W B Yeats - Easton Press - 1976 - Fine Leather Hardback 45.85

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