Number |
Item Description |
Price (inc UK postage) |
140562 |
Ackroyd, Peter - Blake - Folio Society - 2008 - Very Good Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
22.95 |
140808 |
Amit Chaudhuri (intro) - The Bhagavad Gita - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
59.00 |
138272 |
Armstrong, Karen - A History of God - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
48.90 |
139232 |
Ascherson, Neal - Black Sea - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
19.10 |
140890 |
Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Folio Society - 2003 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
84.00 |
135561 |
Austen, Jane - The History of England: A Facsimile of Her Manuscript Written Aged Sixteen & Illustrated By Her Sister Cassandra with an Introduction By Deirdre Le Faye & a Transcript of the Text - Folio Society - 1993 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
33.65 |
138396 |
Bacon, Francis - Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral of Francis Bacon - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
16.05 |
137455 |
Bailey, Martin - The Folio Society Book of the 100 Greatest Portraits - Folio Society - 2004 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
18.20 |
136435 |
Barbusse, Henri - Under Fire - Folio Society - 2018 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
26.35 |
137384 |
Barker, Nicolas (Introduction) - Folio 40: A checklist of the publications of the Folio Society 1947-1987 - Folio Society - 1987 - Fine Hardback/Fine Dustjacket |
18.60 |
140794 |
Barzun, Jacques - From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
114.00 |
140632 |
Beevor, Antony - Berlin The Downfall 1945 - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
114.60 |
138071 |
Beevor, Antony and Artemis Cooper - Paris After the Liberation - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
20.15 |
134584 |
Bell, Walter George - The Great Plague in London - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
25.85 |
140858 |
Bernard, Bruce - The Queen of Heaven - Folio Society - 1988 - Very Good+ Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
29.60 |
140743 |
Bewick, Thomas - A History of British Birds 2 Volume Set - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
119.00 |
140633 |
Bird, Isabella - The Yangtze Valley and Beyond - Folio Society - 2018 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
109.00 |
140321 |
Bloch, Marc - Feudal Society - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
44.75 |
140094 |
Blythe, Ronald - The Age of Illusion - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
28.25 |
138193 |
Brandenburg, Hugo; Ballardini, Antonella; Thoenes, Christof - Saint Peter's: The Story of a Monument - Folio Society - 2017 - Very Good+ Hardback/Near Fine Dustjacket |
78.20 |
137663 |
Brands, H W - The Age of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the New American Dream - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
34.65 |
138254 |
Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme - The Physiology of Taste - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
19.75 |
140187 |
Brown, Dee - Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
30.75 |
139963 |
Browne, Sir Thomas - The Voyce of the World - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
21.95 |
138030 |
Bryson, Bill - Notes from a Small Island - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
19.55 |
136312 |
Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent: travels in small-town America - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
14.45 |
137623 |
Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent: travels in small-town America - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
14.45 |
139381 |
Burgess, Anthony - Shakespeare - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
27.15 |
139452 |
Burke, Edmund - Reflections on the Revolution in France - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
31.30 |
138524 |
Burkholder, J Peter ; Donald J Grout and Claude V Palisca - History of Western Music - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
25.85 |
138565 |
Burton, Richard F - A Secret Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
36.05 |
135891 |
Byron, Robert (Edited by Lucy Butler) - The Road to Oxiana - Folio Society - 2000 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
22.15 |
140540 |
Carlyle, Thomas - The French Revolution: 3 Volume Set - Folio Society - 1989 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
47.40 |
140337 |
Carson, Rachel - Silent Spring - Folio Society - 2000 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
26.30 |
139663 |
Catlin, George - Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
31.15 |
139281 |
Chadwick, Nora - The Celts - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
28.45 |
139300 |
Chatwin, Bruce - The Songlines - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
30.40 |
139512 |
Cherry-Garrard, Apsley - The Worst Journey in the World - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
62.15 |
140780 |
Churchill, Winston S - A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Volume 1: The Birth of Britain; Volume 2: The New World; Volume 3: The Age of Revolution; Volume 4: The Great Democracies - Folio Society - 2003 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
99.00 |
140732 |
Churchill, Winston S - My Early Life: A Roving Commission - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
52.20 |
137060 |
Cobbett, William - Rural Rides - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
19.95 |
140646 |
Collins, Minta [Commentary] - Tractatus de herbis British Library Egerton MS 747 Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
369.00 |
140765 |
Cook, Captain James - Captain James Cook: The Journals 1768 - 1779 - Folio Society - 2003 - Fine Hardback/Good slipcase. |
129.00 |
139346 |
Cronin, Vincent; J R Hale, G R Elton & Boies Penrose - The Story of the Renaissance: Europe from the Renaissance to Reformation, Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance, Renaissance in Europe, Flowering of the Renaissance, Florentine Renaissance (5 Vol. Boxed set) - Folio Society - 2001 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
48.60 |
140612 |
da Vinci, Leonardo - The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
159.00 |
140840 |
Dalrymple, William - In Xanadu: A Quest - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
31.20 |
140865 |
Darwin, Charles - On the Origins of Species - Folio Society - 2017 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
51.60 |
140866 |
Darwin, Charles - The Voyage of the Beagle - Folio Society - 2017 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
44.60 |
138924 |
David, Elizabeth - A Book of Mediterranean Food and other writings - Folio Society - 2005 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
20.75 |
137591 |
David, Elizabeth - Italian Food - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
16.25 |
139883 |
Dearmer, Percy - The Folio Book of Carols - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
30.85 |
139671 |
Defoe, Daniel - A Journal of the Plague Year - Folio Society - 1992 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
21.70 |
136249 |
Defoe, Daniel - A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
19.90 |
134598 |
Defoe, Daniel - A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain Volumes One, Two and Three - Folio Society - 1983 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
33.20 |
138439 |
Douglas, David C - William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact Upon England - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
21.50 |
140521 |
Douglass, Frederick - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Folio Society - 2022 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
43.30 |
140301 |
Durer, Albert; Holbein, Hans et al - The Book of Common Prayer - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
47.75 |
139240 |
Egan, Pierce - Boxiana: Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism - Folio Society - 1976 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
22.35 |
131570 |
Egan, Pierce - Boxiana: Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism - Folio Society - 1976 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
15.45 |
140336 |
Einstein, Albert - Ideas and Opinions - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
53.30 |
140803 |
Einstein, Albert - Relativity - The Special and the General Theory - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
24.00 |
134988 |
Fage, J D (with William Tordoff) - A History of Africa - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
84.55 |
137485 |
Fermor, Patrick Leigh - Between the Woods and the Water - Folio Society - 2006 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
41.25 |
139400 |
Fermor, Patrick Leigh - Mani. Travels in the Southern Peloponnese / Roumeli Travels in Northern Greece. - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
104.60 |
140199 |
Feynman, Richard P - Easy and Not-So-Easy Pieces - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
22.40 |
139183 |
Figes, Orlando - A People's Tragedy - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
134.00 |
138851 |
Fletcher, Ian (Edited and Introduced by) - The Campaigns of Wellington: The Peninsular War 1808-1811; The Peninsular War 1812-1814; the Waterloo Campaign - Folio Society - 2007 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
57.60 |
137906 |
Folio Society - Folio 60 a Bibliography of the Folio Society 1947-2006 - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
32.70 |
139920 |
Ford; Vesey-Fitzgerald; Fitter; Stamp - The New Naturalist Facsimiles Numbers 1-4 - Collins / Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine Dustjacket/Fine slipcase. |
53.45 |
135867 |
Fortey, Richard - Life: An Unauthorised Biography - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
14.85 |
140158 |
Fox, Robert - Eyewitness To History - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
44.65 |
140191 |
Frank, Otto H & Pressler, Mirjam - Anne Frank , The Diary of a Young Girl The Definitive Edition - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
33.85 |
140249 |
Galileo Galilei - Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
66.45 |
140548 |
Gascoigne, Bamber - The Dynasties of China - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
44.20 |
140166 |
Gernet, Jacques - Chinese Civilisation (Two Volumes) - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
33.95 |
138022 |
Gilbert, Martin - Churchill: A Life Two volume set - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
53.20 |
140334 |
Gilbert, Martin - The Second World War - Folio Society - 2011 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
49.15 |
140310 |
Gill, Eric - The Four Gospels Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
309.00 |
140639 |
Gleick, James - Chaos: Making a New Science - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
79.20 |
136595 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Italian Journey - Folio Society - 2010 - Near Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
34.40 |
139521 |
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - Italian Journey - Folio Society - 2010 - Near Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
34.40 |
140131 |
Gombrich, E H - Art and Illusion : A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation - Folio Society - 2000 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
26.50 |
140536 |
Gould, Stephen Jay - Reflections in Natural History - Folio Society - 2024 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
48.85 |
140903 |
Graves, Robert - Claudius the God - Folio Society - 1995 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
41.20 |
140902 |
Graves, Robert - I, Claudius - Folio Society - 1994 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
29.20 |
135641 |
Graves, Robert and Hodge, Alan - The Long Weekend A Social History Of Great Britain 1918 - 1939 - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
16.90 |
140420 |
Greene, Brian - The Elegant Universe - Folio Society - 2017 - Very Good+ Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
84.55 |
140806 |
Gribbin, John - History of Western Science - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
29.60 |
140377 |
Gribbin, John - In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
30.95 |
136131 |
Gribbin, John - In Search of Schrödinger's Cat - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
38.20 |
140300 |
Hart, George - The Pharaohs - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
74.00 |
135998 |
Hibbard, Howard - Michelangelo - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
13.95 |
133847 |
Hibbard, Howard - Michelangelo - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
13.20 |
140681 |
Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
71.20 |
140834 |
Hochschild, Adam - King Leopold's Ghost - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
154.20 |
140607 |
Holinshed, Raphael - Holinshed's Chronicles - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
31.00 |
138320 |
Holmes, Richard - The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
28.40 |
139656 |
Holmes, Richard - Tommy The British Soldier on the Western Front, 1914-1918 - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
39.45 |
138541 |
Holt, Thaddeus - The Deceivers - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
34.80 |
140280 |
Hooke, Robert - Micrographia Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
409.00 |
137372 |
Houseman, A E - A Shropshire Lad - Folio Society - 1991 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
18.60 |
140762 |
Hudson, Roger (ed) - The Raj - An eye-witness History - Folio Society - 1999 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
29.60 |
134610 |
Hudson, Roger (ed) - William Russell, Special Correspondent of the Times - Folio Society - 1997 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
13.40 |
140294 |
James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
48.80 |
139436 |
Jefferson, Thomas - An Expression of the American Mind - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
48.30 |
140682 |
Johnson, Captain Charles - A General History of the Robberies & Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates - Folio Society - 2018 - Very Good Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
39.00 |
140010 |
Jones, David - In Parenthesis - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
74.20 |
136866 |
Kamen, Henry - The Spanish Inquisition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
16.10 |
140699 |
Kapuscinski, Ryszard - Travels with Herodotus - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
30.20 |
137802 |
Keay, John - Sowing the Wind: The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
41.10 |
135526 |
Keay, John - The Spice Route - Folio Society - 2005 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
19.95 |
138039 |
Keegan, John - The Face of Battle - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
18.65 |
140691 |
Keegan, John - The Mask of Command. A Study of Generalship - Folio Society - 2019 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
104.60 |
138501 |
Keen, Maurice - Chivalry - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Good slipcase. |
25.85 |
140376 |
Kempis, Thomas A - The Imitation of Christ - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
39.90 |
140555 |
Kierkegaard, Søren - Fear and Trembling - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
75.50 |
140324 |
King Henry VIII - King Henry's Prayer Book Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
724.60 |
139383 |
Lawrence, T E - Crusader Castles - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
38.60 |
139207 |
Le Goff, Jacques - Medieval Civilisation - Folio Society - 2011 - Near Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
32.70 |
138542 |
Lefebvre, Georges - Napoleon - Folio Society - 2010 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
36.85 |
140109 |
Lincoln, Abraham - A New Birth of Freedom: Selected Writings of Abraham Lincoln - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
31.35 |
140360 |
Lloyd, G E R - Greek Science - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
35.40 |
136396 |
Longford, Elizabeth - Queen Victoria - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
16.95 |
135636 |
Lukacs, John - Five Days in London, May 1940 - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
19.25 |
139678 |
Lydgate, John, A S G Edwards, St Edmund - The Life of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
309.00 |
139245 |
Macartney, Lord; Cranmer-Byng, J L (ed) - An Embassy to China Being the Journal Kept by Lord Macartney during his Embassy to the Emperor Ch'ien-lung 1793-1794 - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
21.70 |
139652 |
MacCulloch, Diarmaid - Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490-1700 - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
83.05 |
140878 |
Malone, Peter (illustrator) - Childrens Bible Stories - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
49.60 |
136436 |
Marks, Leo - Between Silk and Cyanide - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Good slipcase. |
17.45 |
135801 |
Massie, Robert K - Nicholas and Alexandra - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
15.60 |
140885 |
Matthiessen, Peter - The Snow Leopard - Folio Society - 2018 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
79.20 |
140802 |
Meyer, Marvin and Elaine Pagels - The Gnostic Gospels the sacred writings of the Nag Hammadi Library , the Berlin Codex and codex Tchacos - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
72.60 |
136294 |
Meynell, Sir Francis - Folio 21: A bibliography of The Folio Society 1947-1967 - Folio Society - 1968 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
25.45 |
139825 |
Mommsen, Theodor - A History of Rome from the Foundation of the City to the Sole Rule of Julius Caesar - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
53.35 |
136347 |
Moorehead, Alan - The Nile Boxed set containing The White Nile and The Blue Nile - Folio Society - 2001 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
44.60 |
140771 |
Mortimer, Ian - The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
41.70 |
134501 |
Nash, Paul W - Folio 50: A Bibliography of the Folio Society 1947-1996 - Folio Society - 1997 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
18.00 |
140546 |
Newby, Eric - A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
35.25 |
140846 |
Newby, Eric - Love and War in the Apennines - Folio Society - 2016 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
25.00 |
139491 |
Newton, Sir Isaac - Principia Mathematica: A Two Volume Set (1) Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (2) A Guide to Newton's Principia - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
209.00 |
140063 |
Nietzsche, Friedrich - Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
234.20 |
139270 |
Norwich, John Julius - The Middle Sea - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
59.00 |
140833 |
Orwell, George - Down and Out in Paris and London - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
94.00 |
140692 |
Orwell, George - Reportage Collection Five 5 Volumes, Boxed Set. My Country Right or Left; Funny, But Not Vulgar; Homage to Catalonia; The Road of Wigan Pier; Down and Out in Paris and London - Folio Society - 1998 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
139.00 |
138597 |
Oxford - Oxford dictionary of quotations - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
49.35 |
140169 |
Paine, Thomas - Rights of Man - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
19.15 |
138772 |
Pakenham, Thomas - The Scramble for Africa - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
139.00 |
140533 |
Palin, Michael - Pole to Pole - Folio Society - 2022 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
44.40 |
139418 |
Pater, Walter - The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
26.95 |
140186 |
Pepys, Samuel & Latham, Robert (Ed) - Pepys's Diary 1660-1669 ( 3 Volume Box Set ) - Folio Society - 1996 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
31.30 |
138087 |
Pevsner, Nikolaus & Metcalf, Priscilla - The Cathedrals of England The South East - Folio Society - 2005 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
23.60 |
135733 |
Picard, Liza - Restoration London, Everyday Life in London 1660-1670 - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
13.55 |
135008 |
Picard, Liza - Restoration London, Everyday Life in London 1660-1670 - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
17.45 |
137551 |
Pindar, Ian (Selected, Edited and Introduced by) - The Folio Book of Historical Mysteries - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
25.05 |
136325 |
Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
18.10 |
137800 |
Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
20.30 |
136752 |
Pirenne, Henri - Mohammed and Charlemagne - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
28.05 |
138798 |
Psychoundakis, George - The Cretan Runner - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
17.45 |
140915 |
Rand, Ayn - Atlas Shrugged - Folio Society - 2018 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
249.00 |
139137 |
Raverat, Gwen - Period Piece: A Cambridge Childhood - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
22.80 |
137396 |
Reed, John - Ten Days That Shook the World - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
17.10 |
140618 |
Renfrew, Colin - Prehistory The Making of the Human Mind - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
22.05 |
140862 |
Roberts, Alice ed - The Folio Book of Science Selected and introduced by Alice Roberts - Folio Society - 2018 - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
49.20 |
140217 |
Roberts, Andrew - A History of the English Speaking Peoples since 1900 - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
26.50 |
140797 |
Roberts, Andrew - A History of the English Speaking Peoples since 1900 - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
26.50 |
140752 |
Roberts, Andrew - Napoleon & Wellington - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
34.20 |
136540 |
Roberts, Andrew (ed) - Letters To Vicky (Queen Victoria) - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
22.85 |
140672 |
Roberts, David - The Holy Land & Egypt and Nubia - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
359.00 |
139664 |
Roseman, Mark - The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
26.30 |
139752 |
Rossetti, William Michael - The Pre-Raphaelites and Their World: A Personal View From Some Reminiscences and Other Writings of William Michael Rossetti - Folio Society - 1995 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
17.50 |
139318 |
Runciman, Steven, Henderson, George - The Age of illumination: Byzantine Art and Civilisation, Early Medieval Art and Civilisation, Gothic Art and Civilisation, [3 Volume Boxed-Set] - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
35.40 |
139433 |
Ruskin, John; Morris, Jan (ed) - The Stones of Venice - Folio Society - 2001 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
25.10 |
140897 |
Russell, Bertrand - History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day - Folio Society - 2016 - Near Fine Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
64.00 |
134637 |
Salgado, Gamini - The Elizabethan Underworld - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
22.70 |
136976 |
Sassoon, Siegfried - The Complete Memoirs Of George Sherston Three Volumes Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man; Sherston's Progress; Memoirs of an Infantry Officer - Folio Society - 1993 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
40.90 |
139999 |
Schrodinger, Erwin - What is life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell - Folio Society - 2000 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
34.20 |
140221 |
Sheehan, Neil - A Bright Shining Lie -John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam - Folio Society - 2021 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
139.00 |
139871 |
Simpson, Joe - Touching the Void - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
19.95 |
140378 |
Singh, Simon - Fermat’s Last Theorem - Folio Society - 2011 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
35.20 |
140851 |
Sobel, Dava - Longitude - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
29.00 |
140563 |
Stanley, Henry Morton; McLynn, Frank (ed) - Into the Dark Continent The Travels of Henry Morton Stanley - Folio Society - 2002 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
33.20 |
138764 |
Steinbeck, John - Once There Was a War - Folio Society - 2013 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
25.05 |
139278 |
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Catriona - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
30.35 |
139276 |
Stevenson, Robert Louis - Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
40.15 |
138248 |
Stewart, Ian - Taming the Infinite - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
26.75 |
140812 |
Sun Tzu - The Art of War - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
42.00 |
139793 |
Sutherland, John - The Folio Book of Literary Puzzles - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback |
14.65 |
140032 |
Taylour William and John Chadwick - The Mycenaeans and the Decipherment of Linear B - Folio Society - 2004 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
84.20 |
140408 |
The Bible - The Bible and The Apocrypha - King James Version Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2012 - Near Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
459.00 |
140772 |
The Bible - The Bible with the Apocrypha King James Version - Folio Society - 2011 - Near Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
99.00 |
139679 |
The Holkham Bible - The Holkham Bible Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
239.00 |
140517 |
Theroux, Paul - The Old Patagonian Express - By Train Through the Americas - Folio Society - 2023 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
62.25 |
138904 |
Thesiger, Wilfred - Arabian sands - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
26.45 |
140251 |
Thomas, Hugh - The Spanish Civil War - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
89.00 |
139015 |
Thomas, Keith - Religion and The Decline of Magic - Folio Society - 2012 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
169.00 |
140857 |
Thoreau, Henry - Walden Large Format Edition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
134.00 |
140760 |
Thubron, Colin - Behind the Wall - Folio Society - 2016 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
29.20 |
139774 |
Trollope, Anthony - An Autobiography - Folio Society - 1999 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
16.35 |
140089 |
Tuchman, Barbara W - The Coming of the Great War: The Proud Tower; The Guns of August - Folio Society - 1995 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
33.85 |
139242 |
Tuchman, Barbara W - The March of Folly: from Troy to Vietnam - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
22.60 |
139126 |
Tuchman, Barbara W - The Mirror of the Past A Distant Mirror / The March of Folly - Folio Society - 1997 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
30.95 |
136395 |
Tuchman, Barbara W - The Zimmermann Telegram - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
15.05 |
138255 |
Tudge, Colin - The secret life of trees - Folio Society - 2008 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
81.50 |
140061 |
Various - Folio Society Job Lot of 10 Books - Folio Society - - Near Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
49.00 |
140787 |
Various - The Apocrypha - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Quarter-Leather Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
32.60 |
140644 |
Various - The Getty Apocalypse Bible Illustrated Book of Revelation Limited Edition - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
509.00 |
138920 |
Vickery, Amanda - The Gentleman's Daughter Womens' Lives in Georgian England - Folio Society - 2006 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
16.35 |
140635 |
Wallace, Alfred Russel - The Malay Archipelago - Folio Society - 2017 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
459.00 |
137556 |
Watson, James - The Double Helix - Folio Society - 2011 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
18.40 |
137870 |
Watson, James - The Double Helix - Folio Society - 2010 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
16.00 |
140163 |
White, Gilbert - The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne Large Format Edition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
33.95 |
140662 |
William of Malmesbury - The Deeds of the English Kings - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
49.60 |
140747 |
Williams, Glyn (ed) - The Quest for the Northwest passage - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
29.60 |
136295 |
Williamson, Hugh (Intro by) - Folio Society 1968 - 1971 - Folio Society - 1972 - Near Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
14.20 |
139385 |
Winchester, Simon - The Surgeon of Crowthorne - Folio Society - 2014 - Fine Hardback/Very Good slipcase. |
18.10 |
136554 |
Wing, Sandra Koa (ed) - Mass-Observation : Britain in the Second World War - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Very Good+ slipcase |
14.45 |
137095 |
Wolff, Leon - In Flanders Fields The 1917 Campaign - Folio Society - 2005 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
17.90 |
135759 |
Wood, Frances - The Silk Road - Folio Society - 2007 - Fine Hardback/Near Fine slipcase. |
16.90 |
138132 |
Woodham-Smith, Cecil - The Reason Why - Folio Society - 2015 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
23.30 |
139735 |
Xenophon - The Persian Expedition - Folio Society - 2009 - Fine Hardback/Fine slipcase. |
40.30 |