Folio Society Published Works Number 2833
Van Gogh - Vincent Van Gogh's four sketchbooks Limited Edition
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Van Gogh - Vincent Van Gogh's four sketchbooks Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2013. Vincent's sketchbooks are a relatively little-known part of his otherwise world-famous oeuvre. They contain scribblings, hastily-scrawled notes, prescriptions and even transcriptions of complete poems. The sketchbooks also contain drawings and detailed preliminary sketches for paintings to come. They ultimately contain miniature works of art. A joint publication of the Van Gogh Museum and The Folio Society, the facsimile edition was published in a limited run of 1,000 copies. The sketchbooks are presented in a luxury box which also contains a collection of facsimiles of loose sketchbook pages and a booklet with explanatory texts from Marije Vellekoop, Head of Art, and Renske Suijver, Researcher at the Van Gogh Museum. )