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Folio Society Published Works Number 3441

Rabelais, Francois - Gargantua and Pantagruel Limited Edition

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Rabelais, Francois - Gargantua and Pantagruel Limited Edition (Published in by The Folio Society in 2019. This unique edition unites Rabelais's comic masterpiece translated into English with all Doré's renowned illustrations for the first time. This superb set, limited to just 500 hand-numbered copies, of which this is number 73, replicates Gustave Doré's masterpiece, hundreds of illustrations for François Rabelais's seminal text and comic work of genius, Gargantua and Pantagruel. All five books are published in two volumes, with a brilliant English translation integrated with the illustrations for the first time. The edition also features a new introduction by Stephen Greenblatt and an essay by Milan Kundera. Limited to 500 hand-numbered sets. Quarter-bound in goatskin leather with cloth sides blocked in gold foil on front and spine. Set in Bulmer. Two volumes. 1,000 pages in total. 61 full-page engraved illustrations including the frontispiece. 658 smaller engraved illustrations. Numerous ornamented initials throughout. Handmade cloth-bound slipcase printed in gold with designs by Doré. Gilded top edges. Ribbon markers. 14.25" × 10.25". )

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