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Folktales of the Native American
Brown, Dee
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Folio Society Published Works Number 900

Greene, Graham - The Great Novels - Brighton Rock ; The Power and the Glory ; The Heart of the Matter ; The End of the Affair ; The Quiet American ; A Burnt Out Case (Six Volume Set)

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Greene, Graham - The Great Novels - Brighton Rock ; The Power and the Glory ; The Heart of the Matter ; The End of the Affair ; The Quiet American ; A Burnt Out Case (Six Volume Set) (Published in by The Folio Society in 1997. Full cloth blocked green boards with black and orange titles and Illlustrations, red endpapers, b/w illustrations. Complete six volume set of Greene's most famous novels including the incomparable Brighton Rock (with the proper ending, not the cop out in the film). Terrific Folio Society production. Illustrated by Geoff Grandfield. )

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