Mill, John Stuart - On Liberty - ( Item 140220 )
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Mill, John Stuart - On Liberty - ( Item 140220 )
Published in London by Folio Society. 2008. First Thus. Fine Hardback. No inscriptions or bookplates. Fine slipcase. Illustrated by Martin O'Neill. Bound in cloth, printed with a design by the artist. Set in Baskerville, frontispiece and 8 full-page colour illustrations. Size: 9 x 5.75 ins, 384 pages. First published in 1859, On Liberty presents a timeless case for freedom of speech and action that has since inspired generations around the world. After a childhood dominated by his father's strict philosophical outlook, John Stuart Mill became a lifelong champion of the individual, embodying in his deeds the ideals he argued for in his work. Blessed with formidable eloquence and a brilliant mind, Mill became the most respected political thinker of his day advocating a principled yet humane concept of liberty that remains uniquely influential. A committed humanitarian who despised dogmatism, Mill is still cited by commentators and politicians of every hue. The enduring importance of On Liberty, Mill's most famous work, springs from its powerful defence of our essential freedoms, and its optimism about people's ability to live together in a civilised society. On Liberty examines basic issues for every society: the power which government exercises and the rights and responsibilities of the individual towards others. Mill advocated extending suffrage, compulsory national education and the right to criticise religion. His themes remain as significant today as when he first wrote them: When is freedom of speech outweighed by national security? What is religion's place in secular politics? How far can the state interfere in individual behaviour? Mill was addressing these questions 150 years ago, knowing that they were timeless.
Price 54.00 (inc UK postage) Other items you may like
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